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Synthetic leather doctor bag

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SKU: 1221000110899
A doctor's bag made of synthetic leather with a rabbit patch. There is an inside pocket with CSS (CUNE SOUND SYSTEM) on the inside back; CSS is sewn in and cannot be taken out. The shoulder strap is detachable and can be used either as a shoulder strap or as a hand-held bag. There is a zippered compartment on the back for inserting and removing cell phones and other items. It comes with a key, which is useful when leaving it in a hotel or other location. Please read the instruction manual before using the key.

Material : Outer fabric: Synthetic leather, Inner fabric: 100% cotton, Attachment and handle: Genuine leather, Rabbit patch and mouth frame: Synthetic leather
Country of Origin : JP
Actual size :
Material : Outer fabric: Synthetic leather, Inner fabric: 100% cotton, Attachment and handle: Genuine leather, Rabbit patch and mouth frame: Synthetic leather
Country of Origin : JP
Actual size :

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